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Hi Zach,
Thank you for the email and for working with Athlete A this summer. I am usually a little skeptical of personal trainers because I’ve seen a lot of money that is invested without a lot of improvement. That said, I am very impressed with Athlete A’s improvements! She is noticeably different. Quicker, more explosive, etc. You did a great job with her and we would love to continue doing what you’ve done. Anything you could share would be great. Again, thank you and keep up the good work!
-Collegiate Basketball Coach
"Zach's program works. I am very impressed with my sons progress. I've seen significant improvements in his strength, endurance, explosiveness & speed. Zach is a professional and the boys love his workouts.!”
“Your Program helped tremendously. We can really tell in her footwork in volleyball and basketball. We look forward to working with you again!”
“Thanks for the off-season work. A noticeable difference in Liv’s field work. Thank you!!!”
“Wanted to let you know for my agilities I kept up with the boys on jumping over the high hurdles. Thanks for helping me out.”

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